I am interested in multiscale modeling of materials for sustainable energy application. The need for alternative energy source is increasingly becoming popular due to the depletion of fossil fuel and the inherent environmental impact. My research focus on the use ab initio calculations and continuum models to understand the functionality of materials based on their properties, structure and processing techniques.
My PhD research involved computational and experimental studies of radiation effect on the thermophysical properties of nuclear fuel. This study will be conducted across different length and timescale with the goal of engineering a next generation of novel nuclear fuel with tunable properties for accident free nuclear plant operations.
1. Kalu, I.E, Jossou, E. E., Jacob, F., Ilboudo, A. I., and Adedeji, A. F. Polymer Reinforced Laterite for Building Materials. International J. Engineering and Tech. 2015.pp. 87-94.
1. E.E. Jossou, D.J. Oladimeji, J.I. Ranasinghe, L. Malakal, B. Szpunar, J.A. Szpunar, First Principles Studies of Electronic Structure of U 3 O 8 , 23 rd International WIEN2K Workshop, June, 3 rd -7 th , 2016, Hamilton, Canada.
2. I.E. Kalu, E. E. Jossou, S. Ja afaru, E. K. Arthur, A. Igbokoyi, W. O. Soboyejo, Improved Method of Measuring the Mechanical Properties of Shales by Instrumented Indentation, 8th International Conference of African Materials Research Society, December, 7 th -10 th , 2015, Accra, Ghana.
3. Akin-Ojo, O., Jossou, E.E., Electronic and Structural Properties of Nanocrystalline CoO using DFT, African Materials Research Society, African University of Sci. and Tech. Abuja Chapter, September 2014, Abuja, Nigeria.
4. Kalu, I.E, Jossou, E. E., Jacob, F., Ilboudo, A. I., and Adedeji, A. F. ,Polymer Reinforced Laterite for Building Materials, 7th International Conference of the African Materials Research Society, December, 4 th -8 th , 2013, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
1. International Deans Scholarship for Doctoral Studies 2015-2018
2. African Development Bank Scholarship for Graduate Studies 2012-2013
3Petroleum Technology Development Fund Scholarship 2008-2010
4. Student Chemical Society of Nigeria, Annual Commendation 2009/2010 Award for Outstanding Academic Performance